Studies & Research
Includes Topics Like Modernism & Arab Thoughts
Ziadeh established three periodical journals, the first one called Tyarat magazine in 2001–2002 where he was an editor-in-chief, the magazine published by independent Human Rights Society of Syria (HRSS) in 200, but the authorities banned the magazine and detained three of editorial members and continue to target other activists affiliated with the HRSS. All members were charged with unauthorized distribution of the HRSS's occasional magazine Tayarat, according to HRW.
In 2005 he established Damascus Center for Human Rights Studies in Syria (, and in 2006 the center started to publish its first magazine Albousla ( the Compass), in 2008 the center begins its academic journal Al-Mishkat 15 volumes have been produced.

Academic Articles:
- “Islamists and Human Rights: The Predicament of the Universal and the Particular.” Al-Mustaqbal Al-Arabi 236 (1998): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Discourse of Violence: An Anthropologic Approach.” Dirasat Arabia 35 (1998): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Modernism and Post-Modernism: Towards the Literature of Silence.” Kitabat Muasera 39 (December 1999/January 2000): pp. (in Arabic)
- “From the Crisis of Modernism to the Anarchism of Post-Modernism.” Al-Fikr Al-Arabi Al-Muaser 114/115 (Spring/Summer 2000): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Humanism in Arab Thought.” Al-Kalima 29 (Fall 2000): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Maxime Rodinson and Islam: From Marxism to Weberism.” Al-Ijtihad 49 (Winter 2001): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Syrians Intellectuals and Civil Society.” Al-Adaab 3 (2001): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Arab Thought and the Sanctification of Ideology.” Al-Usoor Al-Jadeeda 18/19 (February/March 2001): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Red Lines in Syrian Policy.” Al-Mawqaf Al-Demoqrati 66 (May 2001): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Arabic Thought and Human Rights: Discovering the Concept.” Amarje 2 (July/August 2001): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Clash of Civilizations: The Illusion Struggle, Negative Discourse.” Shu’un Al-Awsat 104 (Fall 2001): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Political Crises and the Problem of Democracy in Syria.” Riwaq Arabi 22 (2001): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Islam and Democracy: Reconciliation and the Experiences of Islamic Political Movements.” Al-Hayat Al-Tayyiba 6/7 (Spring/Summer 2001): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Identity Strategies: Symbolic Politics.” Abwaab 31 (Fall 2001/Winter 2002): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The End of the State: The Sociology of International Relations According to Tartaran Badi.” Al-Fikr Al-Arabi Al-Muaser 120/121 (Winter 2002): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Values System in Arab Islamic Culture.” Al-Bayyan 378 (January 2002): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Culture, Development, Modernism and Post-Modernism.” Majallat Al-Uloom Al-Ijtima’iyya 30, No. 1 (2002): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Towards Establishing a New Concept of Human Rights.” Tyarat 1 (2002): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Forums in Syria During the Damascus Spring." Tyarat 1 (2002): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Arab Mentality and Its Problems.” Shu’un Ijtimaiyya 73 (Spring 2002): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Mohamad Arkoun: The Historical Question Within the Social Circumstances.” Al-Kalima 35 (Spring 2002): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Islamists and Human Rights: The Differences Between Islamists.” Abwaab 32 (Fall 2002): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Question of al-Nahda in Contemporary Arab Thought.” Al-Ijtihad 55/56 (Summer/Fall 2002): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Human Rights Discourse in Syria.” Confluences Méditerranée 44 (Winter 2002–2003): pp. (in French)
- “The Dialogue Between Civilizations.” Al-Kalima 37 (Fall 2002): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Renewal as the Question of the Age: A Review of the Past Century.” Al-Ijtihad 59/60 (Summer/Fall 2003): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Modernism and Post-Modernism: A Philosophical Question.” Al-Fikr Al-Arabi Al-Muaser 128/129 (Winter/Spring 2004): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Conflict Over Values: Crises of ‘Universal Human Knowledge’ Between the West and Islam.” Al-Tasammuh 7 (Summer 2004): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Limits of Syrian Reform: Mechanisms of Power Transfer and the Stakes for Change.” Riwaq Arabi 36 (Fall 2004): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Arabs and Globalization Between Politics and Economics.” Shu’un Arabia 120 (Winter 2004): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Struggle Between Intellectuals During the Ottoman Reforms.” Hiwar Al-Arab 4 (March 2005): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Renewal in Contemporary Arab Discourse.” Alim Al-Fikr 33, No. 4 (April/May/June 2005): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Ideology of Modernity in Contemporary Arab Discourse.” Al-Maarej 61/61 (2005): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Concept of Fitna in Islamic History.” Al-Tasammuh 9 (Winter 2005): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Myth of Ideology in Contemporary Arab Discourse.” Hiwar Al-Arab 9 (August 2005): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Reform and Reconciliation: The Question of Policy and the Question of Modernity.” Al-Tasammuh 10 (2005): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Crisis of Identity Between Nationalist Policies and the Transformed Role of the State.” Islamiyyat Al-Ma’rifa 10, No. 40 (Spring 2005): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Arab Political Regime and the Crisis of Change.” Shu’un Al-Awsat 120 (Fall 2005): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Criticism of Modernism and Post-Modernism in Western Philosophy.” Majallat Awan 12 (2006): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Lebanon and the Changing Regional Role of Syria.” Muqarrabat 10/11 (2006): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Syrian–Lebanese Relationship.” Al-Siyasa Al-Dawliyya 164 (April 2006): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Islam and the West from the Perspectives of Progress and Backwardness.” Shu’un Arabiyya 126 (Summer 2006): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Arab Discourse About Reform.” The Civilization Center for Political Studies 7 (2006): pp. (in Arabic)
- “El Futuro de Los Movimientos Democráticos en la Sociedad Siria.”, May 2006. (in Spanish)
- “A Response to Western Views of Islamist Movements.” Arab Insight 1, No.1 (Spring 2007): pp. (in English)
- With El Fegiery, Mutaz. “The Tragedy of Darfur: Double Standards Being Applied.” New Internationalist 401 (June 2007): pp. (in English, German and Turkish)
- “Transitional Justice in the Arab World.” Contemporary Arab Thought 141–142 (Summer 2007): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Western Perspective on Islamic Movements.” Al-Tasammuh 18 (Spring 2007): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Elections Without Electors in Syria.” Al-Demoqratiyya (Democracy), (Cairo) 28 (October 1, 2007): pp. (in English)
- “The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria.” Al-Demoqratiyya (Democracy), (Cairo) 29 (January 2008): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Golan Heights and the Peace Negotiations Between Syria and Israel.” Majallat Al-Dirasat Al-Istratajiyya Strategic Studies (Bahrain) 4, No. 8 (Winter 2008): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Renewal of Religion and Political Reform.” Riwaq Arabi 47 (2008): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Promoting Democracy in Arab Countries: Practice Makes Perfect?” Arab Insight 2, No. 3 (Fall 2008): pp. (in English)
- “The United States and Promotion of Democracy in the Middle East.” Al-Demoqratiyya (Democracy), (Cairo) 32 (October, 2008): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The U.S. Presidential Elections and U.S. Foreign Policy towards the Middle East.” Shu’un Arabiyya 136 (Winter 2008): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Human Rights: The Need for a New Understanding.” Al-Siyasa Al-Dawliya 175 (January 2009): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Freedom of Expression in the Platforms and Practice of the Islamic Movements.” Adab wa Naqad 281 (January 2009): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Decision Making in Syria.” Diplomatic Courier 2, No. 4 (Fall 2008): pp. (in English)
- “The Crises o f Arab Society in Contemporary Arab Discourse.” Islamiyat Al-Ma’refa 56 (Spring 2009): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Struggle for Islam.” Riwaq Arabi 49/50 (2008): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Kurds in Syria: Fuelling Separatist Movements in the Region?” Al-Mishkat, Vol .V, (2009): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Cultural Values of Capitalism and Democratic Transformation.” Al-Demoqratiyya (Democracy), (Cairo), Vol.35 (July 2009): pp. (in Arabic)
- “Before the Syrian – Saudi rapprochement and after.”, Madarat Istrategea ( Strategic Studies ),(Yemen), Vol.1, Nov-Dec 2009.
- “The Syrian Baath Party...From Nationalism to Authoritarian Rule.” Al-Demoqratiyya (Democracy),(Cairo), Vol.36 (October 2009): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The collapse of the Modernity: The clash of Values between Islam and the west.” Al-Tasammuh 27 (2009),(in Arabic).
- “The Kurds in Syria” Riwaq Arabi 52 (2009): pp.21-38 (in Arabic)
- “Muhammad Said Saed: the legacy of Human Rights” Riwaq Arabi 53 (2009): pp. (in Arabic)
- “From Dictatorship into Demecracy.” Al-Demoqratiyya (Democracy),(Cairo), Vol.38 (October 2010): pp. (in Arabic)
- “The Liberalism in the Political Syrian Thought” , Al-Mishkat, Vol .9, (2010): pp. (in Arabic)
- “La Primavera de la Libertad bajo el Re`gimen Autoritario (Freedom`s Spring in Syria under authoritarian regime)”, Culturas (Cultures), No. 8, 2010. Special Issue on” Syria, 10 years of Bashar al-Asad”, in Spanish.
- “Riad Saif: the Man who Struggle for Democracy in Syria.” Riwaq Arabi 55 (2010): pp.11-26 (in Arabic)
- “Obama`s Budget and Democracy Promotion in the Middle East.” Riwaq Arabi 55 (2010): pp.129-136 (in Arabic)
- “Nasir Hamid Abo Ziad and the critics of the religious thought,” Riwaq Arabi 56-57 (2010): pp.23-28 (in Arabic)
- "The Transitional Justice in Syria: Dealing with the Enforced Disappearances", Sur – International Journal on Human Rights, Issue 11, 2010. ( in English).
- The Emergence of the Political Elite in Syria: The Rise of the Bourgeoisie to 1946, Middle East Panorama (Middle East Center, the University of Utah), Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 2011. P1-P24. ( in English).
- Authoritarianism in Syria, Middle East Critique, Summur 2011. ( in French).
- How Tunisia Can be a Democratic Country: Transitional Justice and Building Institutions, The Arab Journal for Political Science, Volume 30, Spring 2011. ( in Arabic).
- Crisis in Syria: U.S Options, Middle East Policy, Volume XIX, Number 3, Fall 2012. ( in English).
- Transnational Justice and National Reconciliation, PRISM, Vol. 4, Syria Supplement 2014.
- Revolution in Syria, Turkish Review, 2015
- Why the Syrian Revolution turned to be a Violent one? Sitasat Arabia, Volume 18, January 2016. ( in Arabic).
- Double standards: The stances of Arab human rights organizations on the humanitarian catastrophe in Syria, Rowaq Arabi, Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS), 28 December، 2018